Wednesday, February 15, 2017


I first met Matt in Ventura not sure what year. I was already a fan of his and @deanmicetich from reading @dicemagazine Matt asked if he could shoot my bike and we went over to a little open area he picked out. I was so excited to have become friends with @misterfrothy that day. When issue 13 came out I was overwhelmed as the features in that magazine were @menacing_ayu Shinya Kimura my all-time favorite bike builder and artist, @tim.okeefe, @hippykillergarage Kutty and other guys I looked up too in this bike culture Dice was cultivating. Again a few yrs later when I rode side by side with him on Route 66 from @atomictrent compound into downtown on a shovel @crocustoms built him, I couldn't have been having more fun. Another time just sitting backstage at a Lucinda Williams and John Cougar show that Walter @kickstartcycle had got us all into talking with Matt about where he grew up in London, living in the same neighborhood as Joe Strummer and skateboarding in the late 70's early 80's. Matt was always the most humble, passionate, open and happy and greatest guy to be around. My heart goes out to his family @rosozd @mrsfrothy @deanmicetich @dicemagazine such an amazing impact on so many of us and brought so many people together and gave us so many stories/memories. Game changer, life changer. See you at the next swap meet in the sky Matt! #FuckThisLetsRide